Following several queries from customers on the Argon ONE V3/NVME, we have added the following troubleshooting solutions to solve common problems:
**Most problems are fixed by installing the required scripts** Follow the steps on page 13 of the manual.
Argon ONE V3 won't power on
- Are you using an official Raspberry Pi 27W power supply? We strongly recommend the official power supply for all Raspberry Pi 5 uses
- Obvious first step - open the case and check all connections and screws
- Then make sure your case and base are secured together - the base section needs to be attached to the case as pogo pins are used for power
- Try moving the power jumper from 'default' to 'always-on' (see the manual for a diagram) to trigger a first boot
- Then install the scripts (see above)
Argon ONE V3 won't boot
- Did you install the scripts on page 13 of the manual? If not, try this first (if you can at this stage)
- Are you using an official Raspberry Pi 27W power supply? We strongly recommend the official power supply for all Raspberry Pi 5 uses
- Try adding usb_max_current_enable=1 to your config.txt file (the scripts should do this for you though)
- Try updating your EEPROM using sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
- Are the internal ribbon cables and screws secure? Double-check.
- Is the base section secured with screws? If not, assemble the case and try again.
Argon ONE V3 NVMe Drive not detected
- Did you install the scripts on page 13 of the manual? If not, try this first.
- Try updating your EEPROM using sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
- Try adding usb_max_current_enable=1 to your config.txt file (the scripts should do this for you though)
- Are the internal ribbon cables and screws secure? Double-check.
- The base section needs to be securely attached to the case too, as pogo pins are used for power
- Are you using an Official Raspberry Pi 27W power supply? If not, this could easily be the cause of your issue as the Pi 5 may not be allowing maximum USB current unless it detects a capable 5V 5A power supply.
- Which NVMe drive are you using?
- The Raspberry Pi 5 appears to have some compatibility issues with certain models of NVMe sticks via PCI-E
- Nothing definitive has been released by Raspberry Pi, however testing on similar products is producing an initial list of good/bad NVMe drives
- We have added this information to all of our Argon40 NVMe products - just check the product page for the item you purchased
- We've also seen reports of some 2TB drives being too chunky (when they have chips on both sides of the stick)